Thursday, April 26, 2012

Is This Toxin Wafting from Your Dryer Vent?

Now that we are getting into summer -- you may actually consider using a good old line and pegs to dry your clothes and give your dryer a rest. Apparently, the ever so fragrant dryer sheets that we use can actually emit toxins that are not good! 

The alternative is to use alternatives such as organic and fragrance free methods. I use a hard ball to get my down comforter all fluffed up. After seeing one of those late night, "As Seen on TV Ads" featuring rubber balls that you can use instead of dryers sheets, I decided to try a hard rubber ball that I got from an Money Market conference on Fort Lauderdale that emits light when bounced on a hard surface. I had no practical use for it before I determined that it can fluff out my towels and comforters! Now that is ingenuity!

Source -- Click to read more:

Is This Toxin Wafting from Your Dryer Vent?

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New Fluoride Warning Coming Soon to Your Water Bills

Dental X-Rays Linked to Brain Tumor

Dental X-rays on film, Zahnfilm
Dental X-rays on film, Zahnfilm
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Now it seems that every benign thing that we do is fraught with danger. I actually thought the dental bitewings that the friendly dental assistant inserts into one's mouth and then asks you to clamp down on for an x-ray is pretty safe. Turns out  -- not so much! This is just more radiation that increases your risk of getting brain tumors

It might be best to have your most recent dental x-rays pulled up by your dentist's office prior to your visit to ensure that your dentist does not have to order new x-rays that may not be needed.

Source -- click to learn more: 

Dental X-Rays Linked to Brain Tumor

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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Apples Work Magic on Bad Cholesterol - Life Extension Daily News

Apples are an all-American success story-each ...
Apples are an all-American success story-each of us eats more than 19 pounds of them annually. Français : Les pommes sont célèbres en Amérique pour une alimentation équilibrée (8,6 kg annuellement).
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Growing up we were told that "an apple a day, keeps the doctor away!". Turns out that this advice is actually pretty good! I always make sure that I have apples on hand and I find that they keep really well in the fridge. I eat them raw, and also add them to my breakfast smoothie! 

My favorite apples are Fuji apples they are crunchy and sweet with just a bit or tartness! I also like Gala, Honeycrisp, Braeburn, and Ambrosia apples. I avoid "Red Delicious" and "Green Delicious" apples like the plague! I am very suspicious of any thing with a generic name.

I think of apples the way I think of wine grapes -- the different varietals. If they are organic, they are even better! 

In the Summer and Fall, I have my fill of apples. When we lived in Sacramento, my sister and I had an annual pre-Thanksgiving ritual where we traveled to "Apple Valley" off Highway 50 to Lake Tahoe to visit the apple barnyards to savor samples of different apples, apple butter, apple fritters, apple sauce, apple pie, and apple cider! I still miss that ritual!

So wherever, you live -- try to work some apples into your diet! It is good for you!

Source -- click to read more:

Apples Work Magic on Bad Cholesterol - Life Extension Daily News

Disclaimer: The statements regarding the nutritional and medicinal properties of the various foods have not  been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These items are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your own physician for guidance regarding your health and nutrition.

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Watch This and You Will Never Drink Conventional Milk Again

Seriously, I am not sure what the factory farms and the companies that use them think! Consumers are not likely to purchase meat products that are produced under such unsanitary conditions, and where the animals are subject to such abuse before the meat or milk products reach our table.

I have stopped purchasing beef, chicken and pork that are produced by factory farms. I only purchase dairy products that are made using organic methods, and there is no use of pesticides, growth hormones, and antibiotics. We all deserve better and the animals that sustain us also need to be treated in a humane fashion!

Vote with your purse! Don't purchase meat and dairy products from factory farms that follow unsanitary and inhumane practices!

Source -- Click on the link to watch the video:

Watch This and You Will Never Drink Conventional Milk Again

Disclaimer: The statements regarding the nutritional and medicinal properties of the various foods have not  been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These items are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your own physician for guidance regarding your health and nutrition.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How GMOs Cause Farmer Suicide!

(Photo credit: live w mcs)
This is another good article from Dr. Mercola is doing such a good job educating us about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the potential damaging consequences to humans and the food chain!

Farmers in India have been committing suicide due to their inability to pay off loans when their crops fail. The farmers used GMO seeds which apparently costs more and requires more water and pesticides than traditional seeds.


Story at-a-glance

  • The introduction of genetically engineered seeds, and the coercion of Indian farmers to use them, has led to the largest wave of recorded suicides in human history
  • More than a quarter of a million Indian farmers have committed suicide over the past 16 years as their crops have failed, leaving them in financial ruin, largely as a result of Monsanto’s genetically engineered seeds (especially Bt cotton); an Indian farmer commits suicide every 30 minutes, typically by ingesting his own pesticides
  • Bt cotton is much more expensive than traditional cotton seed, requires more water and pesticides, and has failed to produce the increased crop yields promised by Monsanto
  • India’s government has largely abandoned small farmers, discontinuing support programs and failing to address factors such as lack of rural credit and access to irrigation, among others, and new government programs have barely scratched the surface of this crisis

Source -- click to read more: 

My Firsthand Experience: How GMOs Cause Farmer Suicide
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Genetic Testing for Health, Disease & Ancestry; DNA Test - 23andMe

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Your health: What recent studies show are good and bad for you - The Washington Post

Your health: What recent studies show are good and bad for you - The Washington Post

Disclaimer: The statements regarding the nutritional and medicinal properties of the various foods have not  been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These items are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your own physician for guidance regarding your health and nutrition.
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Promote Your Blog - Blogger Help

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Image via CrunchBase
I hope you will all find this to be helpful. I typically save links that I would like to re-read at this blog. Any Blogger that want to generate additional traffic to their website should take time to read this summary.

Promote Your Blog - Blogger Help
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