Monday, February 20, 2012

Shades of Gray symposium: Eating right means dietary sacrifice

Shades of Gray symposium: Eating right means dietary sacrifice

The debate continues -- we have advocates from the "Raw Food" movement to the Paleolithic ("Paleo") diet or "Cavemen Diet" movement claiming that their way is the right way.

There are studies claiming that we do not need vitamin and mineral supplements; and other studies stating that our fruits and vegetables cannot provide all the vitamin and mineral nutrients that we need so we need to take supplements.

Some studies indicate that fruits and vegetables from certain regions are grown in soils that are so depleted of minerals and other nutrients that they cannot possibly provide the vitamins and minerals that we need.

We also have the "everything in moderation" advocates. However, when a person's arteries are severely clogged and their cholesterol level is very high -- "everything in moderation" may longer be an option for them.

There is so much hype and spurious claims that it is hard to determine who is right and who is wrong. This is why it is important to do one's one research and come to your own conclusions and not rely on any one source, especially, where your own health is concerned.

On this blog, I will provide access to different sources of information to enable you to make an informed decision about your own health.

Disclaimer: The statements regarding the nutritional and medicinal properties of the various foods have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These items are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your own physician for guidance regarding your health and nutrition.

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