Monday, April 19, 2010

What I have learned from Two Successful Change Agents

To psyche myself up to accomplish all the goals I have set for myself, I have been studying some successful change agents to learn their methods and how they set about to achieve excellence.

Two change agents that I have found particularly intriguing are interestingly both professional chefs: Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay. They are both very driven Type A personalities but their personalities are also totally different. However, when they both set out to achieve change they do so with excellence.

From Gordon Ramsay, I have learned about creating detailed plans, being thoroughly organized, and then executing to perfection. I watched several episodes from his two shows Hell's Kitchen and Kitchen Nightmares to learn how he trained talented chefs to become excellent chefs; and how he set about turning around what were almost hopeless and failing restaurants into success stories. 

For Gordon Ramsay, it is all about process -- having a game plan, executing it to perfection, and maintaining consistency and quality. Another thing, Gordon does not tolerate fake and phony people and deadweights -- under any circumstance!

From Jamie Oliver, I have learned about conviction and fortitude in the face of negativity, doubts and other challenges. When Jamie said he could get 1,000 people in Huntington, W. Virginia, to learn cooking within a week as part of his Jamie Oliver Food Revolution program, I doubted him. However, he used the most creative ways to get masses of people to take cooking classes at the same time. With lots of publicity, tenacity and determination he pulled it off! He did not let the naysayers get in his way, instead he kept asking "How can we work together to make it happen." Whenever, he tripped he learned from his mistakes -- he just dusted himself off and tried again! Best of all, he won over all his biggest skeptics!

One of the things that I have learned from both chefs is to pursue your goals and dreams with tenacity, execute your game plan to perfection, learn from your mistakes, and do not tolerate negative people, naysayers and distractions.

Each of us can be a change agent. Here are some tips for change agents from Fast Company.

So right now, I have Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver running through my head! Watch out!

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