Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cell Phones and Brain Cancer Link

According to the California Brain Tumor Association (CABTA), San Francisco is the first city in the world to require warning labels on cell phones. Also, CABTA states that cell phones have never been tested on children.

In May 2011, the WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans, based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer, associated with wireless phone use. The Working Group did not quantitate the risk; however, one study of past cell phone use (up to the year 2004), showed a 40% increased risk for gliomas in the highest category of heavy users (reported average: 30 minutes per day over a 10‐year period). The IARC concluded that there could be some risk, therefore, they need to keep a close eye on the link between cell phone use and cancer risk. The IARC also recommends that it is important to take pragmatic measures to reduce exposure such as hands‐free devices or texting.

The "Interphone Study" is the name that was given to a series of multi-national case-control studies to assess whether radiofrequency (RF) exposure from mobile phones is associated with cancer risk. The International Agency for Cancer Research (IARC) coordinated the study. Other potential environmental and endogenous risk factors were also examined. The types of cancer studied were acoustic neuroma, glioma, meningioma, and tumours of the parotid gland. It is the largest epidemiological study to date and should help resolve some of the questions about an association between cell phones and cancer. Participating countries were Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, and the UK. Results of national studies have been published since 2004.

The Interphone study group is currently working on detailed analyses for future publications such as precise localization of brain tumours using 3-dimensional radiological grid, the health effect of RF exposure at the exact location of the tumor by using a gradient of radiofrequency. Determinants of mobile phone output power from a software-modified phone (SMP) study is also in progress. Results from both the studies and also data obtained from the simulation study will help make any adjustment for exposure measurement errors on cancer risk related to mobile phone use.

I have no need of statistical evidence and results of studies. I know about quite a few people who were early users of cellphones who have had brain tumors or died from brain tumors. When cell phones first became available, very few ordinary people could afford to own one. Most of the early users were corporate executives, sports administrators, and military personnel. Some of the early users ended up with brian tumors. One such person is the late marketing executive Chris Elliot who together with his wife Dellann established the Chris Elliot Fund (CEF) before he passed away from gliobastoma, a rare brain cancer. Funds raised by CEF support Glioblastoma Brain Cancer Research at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston.

Other famous people that have died from brain cancer are Senator Ted Kennedy and Reginald Lewis, former CEO of Beatrice Foods.

Hands-Free Devices: While we wait patiently for further scientific proof, it is best to exercise caution and safety by using hands-free devices which not only reduce the risk of RF exposure but also help to mitigate other risks such as accidents caused by cell phone use and texting.

Here is a good article on RF exposure from use of cell phones and how you can mitigate the risk.


Wellness: Cell-ing Out Our Health?
Before you make your next phone call, read this.

Thursday, April 01, 2010
By Stephanie Kraft

It's been one of the most visible technological revolutions since the coming of the automobile: the liberation of telephones from stationary land lines to mobile models; the proliferation of hand-held phones in workplaces, in homes and on the street; the explosion of enhanced versions to send texts, take pictures, play music, guide people through their day. By now an estimated four billion people around the world use cell phones.

Undergirding the wild success of these products has been something less explicit than a guarantee, just a trust—for would enlightened governments allow corporations to put something dangerous on the mass market?—that the devices were safe to use. Study after study, usually industry-funded, said there was only minimal risk. So the image of the millennial city is an image of people walking along streets and in and out of buildings with miniaturized phones to their ears, and laws are in the making to keep us from crashing our cars while we're talking or texting.

Now that cell phones are a fixture in our lives, new information—and old information breaking out after years of enforced silence—suggests that we need to rethink the matter of their safety. Consider this:

*Findings of Swedish researchers published in 2007 in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine showed "a consistent pattern of increased risk for acoustic neuroma [a benign tumor of the nerve connecting the brain and the ear] and glioma [a tumor originating in the brain's glial cells]."

*In Israel, a study published in 2008 found that cell phone users had a 50 percent greater chance of developing benign or malignant tumors of the salivary gland than non-users.

*Also in 2008, the Royal Society of London published findings that people who begin using cell phones before age 20 were five times more likely as non-cell phone users to have brain cancer by age 29.

But it's not only information that's surfaced within the last few years that's given impetus to new cautions about cell phone use. Investigation of the health effects of electromagnetic radiation goes back decades—and for decades there have been moves to downplay if not suppress it.

In 1975, neuroscientist Allan Frey went public with research showing that microwaves could cause breaching of the blood-brain barrier. That's dangerous because the barrier protects the brain from many toxins and bacterial infections. Eventually Frey, who had received research funding from the Navy since he had begun experimenting with radar waves in the 1960s, was told he would lose his funding if he continued to publish his findings on the blood-brain barrier. (In those days, the military thinking on electromagnetics was based on the idea that only the thermal effects of the radiation were potentially harmful.)

In 1986, Carl Blackman, a highly credentialed physicist working for the federal Environmental Protection Agency, was ordered to stop his research on the health effects of electromagnetic radiation, which built, in part, on Frey's findings. Blackman told GQ reporter Christopher Ketcham he suspects that "a decision was made to stop the civilian agencies from looking too deeply into the nonthermal health effects from exposure to EM fields." Ketcham also quotes an unnamed EPA physicist as saying, "The Department of Defense didn't like our research because the exposure limits that we might recommend would curtail their activities." (Ketcham's article, "Warning: Your Cell Phone May Be Hazardous to Your Health," in the February, 2010 issue of GQ and available on the Web, should be required reading for all cell phone users.)

In the 1990s, Henry Lai, a bioengineering professor at the University of Washington, found that electromagnetic radiation damaged DNA in the brains of lab rats. His findings stopped short of proving conclusively that the DNA damage would produce cancer, but cancer was seen as a possible result of it. Motorola and other mobile phone companies mounted such a campaign to discredit findings of this nature that research efforts were muted for years to come.

Meanwhile, the industry funded a multimillion-dollar, six-year study that brought some unwelcome surprises. It confirmed that cell phone radiation caused breaching of the blood-brain barrier, interfered with normal DNA repair, and increased the risk of tumors in the tissues covering the brain and spinal cord.

Now studies by Dariusz Leszczynski at Finland's Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority also add to the body of information indicating that mobile phone radiation can damage the blood-brain barrier.

And experts are waiting for the result of a 13-country investigation of the health effects of cell phone use called the Interphone study (the 13 countries are Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, and the U.K.; the U.S. did not participate). Some preliminary results of that study have been released; one finding incorporating information from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and the U.K showed a 40 percent increase in tumor incidence in adults who use cell phones for more than 10 years, though fewer than 10 years' use was not found to cause significant risk.

But the results of the ambitious study, though they are nearly four years overdue, have not been released. In the U.S., the National Toxicology Program ( a program of the National Institutes of Health) is investigating the health effects of mobile phones, but results are not expected until 2014 at the earliest.

The fragmentary nature of the available information about cell phones (which also applies to land-based cordless phones) and human health presents a daunting conundrum. What should users do until more definitive information is available? Experts aren't suggesting that people throw away their cell phones, but that they use them in more safety-conscious ways.

Think twice before getting rid of your land line and its phones with cords; use those for your longer, leisurely conversations at home. When you buy a cell phone, read the manual that comes with it; some manuals warn users to keep the phones at least an inch away from their heads. 

The Federal Communications Commission limits the so-called specific absorption rate (SAR)—the amount of radiation the phone feeds into your body—at 1.6 watts per kilogram, but there's debate about how much that really protects you. Nonetheless, the SARs of different models vary, and you might as well choose one with a lower rather than a higher SAR (to get the SAR of the phone you're considering, check the packaging, ask the seller, or visit the FCC's website,

Don't carry your cell phone near your body (in your pocket, for instance). A study from Hong Kong last year showed that even very low-level EMR fields affect sperm, and cell phones worn around the neck are suspected of causing heart attacks. Women, who usually stow the phones in their pocketbooks, probably incur lower risk. 

National Institutes of Health associate director Jon Bucher recommends using earpieces instead of holding the phones close to the head. Encourage children not to use cell phones except for emergencies, to major on texting rather than talking, and not to keep the phones under their pillows.



Saturday, March 20, 2010

15 foods you don’t need to buy organic!

This article caught my eye and I thought I should share it with you.

If you are like me and you want to reduce your exposure to pesticides, chemical fertilisers and other toxic substances, but still want to save money at the grocery store -- you are always torn between taking advantage of good bargains -- those alluring specials -- and staying true to your need to reduce your exposure to toxins.

Guess what? The article below provides a summary of food items that you can buy conventional and those whose organic version is so much better. Now I can do my grocery shopping without worrying about my "green' credentials.

The bottomline is that the choices that we make do affect our health, the environment and future generations so it does really matter even if there is no "green police" watching every choice that you make.

15 foods you don’t need to buy organic

Although I enjoy the grocery store (maybe it’s because I’m a dietitian that I love checking out new products and comparing food labels), lately my husband is doing our grocery shopping. 

His budget-friendly buys are great for our bank account. But they don’t always align with my interest in eating organically. We don’t buy everything organic, but pesticides can be absorbed into fruits and vegetables, leaving trace residues, and I’d prefer to not eat pesticides. 

Long-term exposure to them has been associated with cancer, infertility and neurologic conditions, such as Parkinson’s. (Here are 4 ways to reduce your exposure to pesticides.)

Anyway, one day he called me from the produce aisle. Andy wanted to know what on the list he truly needed to buy organic and what he could skimp on and buy conventional. (Does organic produce have more nutrients? Find out here.)

Fortunately, the Environmental Working Group (EWG, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization) has identified 15 fruits and vegetables that are least likely to be contaminated with pesticide residues. I told him to save money and buy those conventional:
  1. Asparagus
  2. Avocado
  3. Broccoli
  4. Cabbage
  5. Eggplant
  6. Kiwi
  7. Mango
  8. Onions
  9. Papaya
  10. Pineapple
  11. Sweet corn (frozen)
  12. Sweet peas (frozen)
  13. Sweet potatoes
  14. Tomatoes
  15. Watermelon
EWG also identified 12 fruits and vegetables that are most likely to have higher trace amounts of pesticides. (If your budget allows, buy these 18 foods organic too.) We buy organic:
  1. Apples
  2. Carrots
  3. Celery
  4. Cherries
  5. Grapes (imported)
  6. Kale
  7. Lettuce
  8. Nectarines
  9. Peaches
  10. Pears
  11. Sweet bell peppers
  12. Strawberries
Do you buy organic? What foods do you think it’s worth to save on and which do you spend more on for organic?

By Brierley Wright, M.S., R.D.
Brierley's interest in nutrition and food come together in her position as an associate editor at EatingWell. Brierley holds a master's degree in Nutrition Communication from the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University. A Registered Dietitian, she completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Vermont.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

“Go for the Green” with $1 Memberships!

The $1.00 membership enrollment is back! We are inviting you to “Go for the Green” with $1 Memberships! You can enjoy all the benefits of being a Preferred Customer for ONLY $1.00! (U.S. and Canada residents only.)

What can you get for just one dollar? Not much these days. How about if one dollar could lead to a new beginning for you or someone you know? We can help people reach financial freedom, give you more time to do the things you love, help he environment or help a mom stay at home with her children while contributing to the finances. Take advantage of this deal now through March 17th - St. Patrick’s Day.

Call or email me to set up your membership to become a preferred customer and if you wish to a Marketing Executive. Contact me via email or call me to set an appointment for an online presentation, if you want to take advantage of our promotional $1.00 membership enrollment available through St. Patricks Day - March 17, 2010.

It is very unusual to have the $1.00 enrollment be repeated during the year (regular membership is $29.00) so take advantage now to build a second income or just try the wellness products (60 day money back guarantee on products -- no questions asked). I use the products and I now have my list of personal favorites that I cannot do without.

So I am inviting you to join me so you can enhance your life!

Monday, March 8, 2010

What Plastics Do to Your Body

Looks like there is no rest for the weary! Everywhere we turn we find that there is something that is not good for us. Sometimes it becomes overwhelming especially when we have a material that is as pervasive as plastic. So what is one to do.

Here is an article from the website that summarizes the problems caused by plastics and what they do to your body and how you can minimize your exposure to the toxic effects of plastic through the choices that you make.

What Plastics Do to Your Body

posted by Kelly Magill Apr 18, 2009 11:14 am
What Plastics Do to Your Body
By Martha Miller Johnson, Positively Green

News of possible health threats associated with plastic bothered Jeanne Haegele of Chicago so much that she has quit using plastic. The 28-year-old marketing coordinator chronicles her efforts online at “Plastic is absolutely everywhere–our food is packaged in it, our clothes are often made out of it, and even baby toys are made of plastic,” Haegele says. “It was scary that something that was such a big part of my life might be dangerous.”

Scientists are mostly worried about bisphenol-A or BPA. “It’s an endocrine disruptor and in numerous animal studies it’s been linked to cancer, infertility, obesity and early puberty,” says Anila Jacob, M.D., M.P.H., a senior scientist at the Environmental Working Group, a non-profit research and advocacy organization in Washington, D.C. “The CDC has found this chemical in 93 percent of people they have tested,” she says.

BPA is a chemical used to make polycarbonate plastic or items marked with the number 7 on the bottom. Some plastic dishes, cups, reusable water bottles and baby bottles are made out of polycarbonate. Heating foods in polycarbonate plastic increases the amount of BPA that leaches into food, Jacob says. Frances Beinecke, president of the National Resources Defense Council, an environmental action group, worries about BPA’s possible role in breast cancer. Beinecke, a breast cancer survivor, says BPA is a synthetic form of estrogen, and doctors know estrogen feeds breast cancer. “It ramps up cell division in pre-cancerous cells and it can prompt tumors to metastasize,” she says. “In animal studies, BPA has been found to cause the early onset of puberty and stimulate mammary gland development in females. The estrogen-like properties in BPA are so strong that even when male rodents were exposed to it, they had an increased risk of mammary tumors.” The studies done to date have all been on animals, Jacob says, because it’s difficult to study in humans as we have already been exposed via multiple routes. “We think the animal data is convincing enough that it warrants concern,” Jacob says.

BPA also is used to line the inside of metal food and soda cans and can leach from the can liner into the food. Acidic foods like tomato sauces and soda absorb more BPA. Other plastic containers–like those made with polyvinyl chloride or PVC and marked with the number 3 concern scientists for health and environmental reasons. PVC contains phthalates, softeners need to make the plastic bend and they have been found to interfere with hormonal development. The production of and burning of PVC plastic releases dioxin, a known carcinogen, into the atmosphere.

All food plastic wraps used to be made with PVC, but many large name brands have quit using PVC. However, the cling wrap used for commercial purposes, such as the meat department of your grocery store, often contain phthalates. Gina Solomon, M.D., M.P.H., a senior scientist with the NRDC, suggests checking the date when you buy food wrapped in cling wrap. Buying something recently wrapped is your safest bet, she says.

For its part, the FDA agrees that substances used to make plastics can leach into food. But the agency says it has studied them and found “the levels to be well within the margin of safety based on information available to the agency.”

Safer Plastics
#1 PETE or PET (polyethylene terephthalate)–used for most clear beverage bottles, such as 2-liter soda, cooking oil bottles and peanut butter jars. One of the most commonly recycled plastics on the planet.
#2 HDPE (high-density polyethylene)–used to make most milk jugs.
#4 LDPE (low-density polyethylene)–used in food storage bags, some cling wraps and some squeeze bottles.
#5 PP (polypropylene)–used in opaque, hard containers, including some baby bottles and some cups and bowls. Drinking straws and yogurt containers are sometimes made with this.

Avoid These
#3 PVC (polyvinyl chloride)–used in commercial plastic wraps and salad dressing bottles.
#6 PS (polystyrene)–used in Styrofoam cups, meat trays and “clam-shell”-type containers.
#7 Other (these contain any plastic other than those used in #1-6. Most are polycarbonate which contain BPA)–used in some water bottles, Nalgene water bottles, some baby bottles, and some metal can linings.

Easy Tips
• Using plastic water bottles? Go for a metal or stainless steel container instead.
• Using a plastic spatula? Try using a wooden spoon instead.
• Using Tupperware? Try pyrex glass containers that go straight from the fridge to the oven.
• Buying ready-to-drink juices? Frozen concentrate stores longer and is typically packaged in paper.
• Using plastic cutting boards? How about a bamboo cutting board?
• Using a plastic lunch box? A stainless steel laptop lunchbox provides a sturdy, elegant alternative.

For more information, go to Positively Green magazine launched in 2008 as a quarterly women’s magazine that covers every aspect of green from eco-friendly vacations to green fashion to green health. With articles that don’t just explain the problems, they outline solutions for busy people who want to make the change but don’t have the time to research solutions. 

Back to Blogging!

I am back to blogging again after the storm of dealing with a sanitation and land encroachment mess at the high school that I attended in Ghana. The historic School -- Achimota School (comprising Achimota Secondary School and Achimota Primary and Junior Secondary School and formerly known as the Achimota School and College or the "Prince of Wales College") was built in the 1920s and is seriously in need of infrastructure upgrades and academic improvement.

I hope that when the sanitation crisis is resolved, the School will consider an ecological sanitation solution.

You can learn more about it at: